You’ll love this Valentine’s Day Countdown just for kids! This Valentine’s Day don’t just make your kids FEEL loved… teach your kids what love is, and more importantly, how to spread love to those around them. The world we live in could definitely use a little bit more love in it!
Fact: Having kids makes holidays infinitely better.
This last Sunday, Lanae and Owen were sitting in the backseat of the car talking about their favorite holidays. Lanae initiated the conversation – “Owen what’s your favorite holiday?” His response was classic – “Um…. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Sunday… pretty much all the days.” Yeah. Sunday is a holiday now, folks! Lanae, of course, was adamant that he only choose ONE holiday. Then she wanted him to guess her favorite holiday…
He ran through all the holidays he could think of and still didn’t get it. They were both starting to get frustrated with each other when suddenly Lanae couldn’t stand it anymore and burst out VALENTINE’S DAY!
At this point, I jumped in with a question of my own because I didn’t want to see anyone get hurt. Why is Valentine’s Day your favorite?
“Oh, because we do fun things, get treats and surprises.”
My response – LOL. That’s like every holiday, though.
Yeah, well, I just REALLY like Valentine’s Day.
Apparently I’ve done something right with Valentine’s Day… The truth is that Lanae always says that whatever holiday is coming up next is her favorite. Ha! I love that they look forward to these special occasions when we get to love on each other and show each other a little extra love.
Making memories that they treasure is my favorite!
Celebrating holidays is one of my favorite things! I don’t always do THE BEST job at it, but when I do, we all remember it.
Recently, I designed a fun Valentine’s Day Countdown for Kids for The Dating Divas. When I was prepping this project, The kiddos helped me stage the photos and video and they seriously could not contain their excitement.
I love the pack because it helps you easily plan out your holiday activities in advance to take out some of the last minute stress. I’m all about thinking ahead and simplifying where possible.
This countdown is pretty special, I’m so excited to share it with my kids this year!
The Valentine’s Day Countdown is designed for 14 days, but you are in charge so you can do just 5 days or 7 days. Whatever works for you! I bought a cute little mailbox (less than $10 on Amazon). Each day a new Valentine’s Day Countdown envelope is delivered in the mailbox.
The Valentine’s Day envelopes are adorable. You can customize your countdown by choosing what Valentine’s activity card to put in each envelope. There are 20 cards – so you have plenty of options for activities.
After getting a preview of the activities, the kids are filled with anticipation of our holiday celebration!
Check out more details about this fun Valentine’s Day pack on The Dating Divas site. I’ve written up a HUGE post with tons of information, plus even more reasons why I love the pack HERE.
Snag one of these cute Valentine’s Day Countdown for Kids today for just $7.97!