Are you looking for a fun, easy gift idea that you can throw together in a couple minutes (or maybe you want the kids to throw one together for their teachers)?? This mason jar gift idea is too cute not to share!!
There are so many amazing people in my life that I want to thank all the time! Ever since leaving home and moving across the country I’ve missed all my close family and friends. I’ve definitely had to let go of my independent and stubborn self to ask for help every once in a while. And luckily, there have been Ah-Mason people around me that have been there for me and my family!
I wanted to put together a cute, simple gift to share with a few people that have touched our lives recently, including Lanae’s teacher! I love how significant and inspirational teachers can be! They are so important for our kids and we definitely need to let them know how much we love and appreciate them and all their efforts!
That’s where this Simply Ah-Mason gift came to play! I love mason jars. They are just so cute and useful… so filling up a mason jar with something fun seemed like the perfect simple gift for our favorite teachers!
We filled our mason jar up with chocolate -DUH! and some cute teacher-y stuff… paper clips, sparkly clothespins, bright washi tape, etc. all in one cute little mason jar cup that comes with a a lid and straw. I found these at the Dollar Tree! Perfect, right?
You could fill one of these jars up with just about anything and make this gift work for anyone you know! Heck, just fill it full of chocolate and you’ll be golden.
Here are a few ideas for other things you can fill these mason jars with:
- baking supplies: measuring spoons, cookie cutters, cupcake liners, etc.
- pedicure supplies: nail polish, cotton balls, toe separators, nail file, buffing block, cuticle pusher, etc.
- pampering supplies: sugar scrub, lip balm, lotion, etc.
- craft supplies: ribbon, twine, colored or patterned tape, sparkly glue, etc.
- your favorite recipe: cookie mix, brownie mix, hot cocoa mix, are you getting the idea here?
Good luck making some cute gifts for the AH-MASON people in your life!! Grab the free printable below:
You Are Simply Ah-Mason!! Printable Tag
This post was originally written by me and published on Creating Really Awesome Free Things.
Stop by Messes to Memories for more fun gift ideas like this one… Here are a few of our favorites: Made With Love Gift Tags, Lego Themed Gift Basket, or our fun Heart Fingerprint Project that can be used as a gift and a fun keepsake!