I’m pretty excited for this post! I invited Scott to share some of this feelings on the blog today… so you get to hear a new voice. He did such a great job and it’s fun to get inside his head a bit, so I’m definitely going to have to invite him to share more often. Take it away babe!
Owen absolutely loves cars! There is rarely a time when he doesn’t have a car (or five!) in his hands. As a dad I love spending time with my kids and doing the things they enjoy. Playing cars with Owen is one of my favorite things to do with him. There are so many fun activities you can do with cars. One of our favorite things to do is to build a ramp and race cars down it. We usually start by each picking a few of our favorite cars and then racing them one at a time. He definitely has his favorites and he’ll pick them even if they never win!
Another thing we like to do with his cars is drive them around his city that we made for him this past Christmas. He loves helping decide how to build the roads and then where to put all the buildings. Once the city is built it is so much fun driving through the streets with his cars. Often the cars end up taking on different roles such as father, mother and baby. It becomes a mix of playing house and cars!
His love for cars makes it easy to use them to teach him things like counting and colors. I often see him playing with his cars and will quiz him on the spot… how many cars do you have? Or how many are red?
No matter what we are doing when we play cars together we both have so much fun!
Looking for more fun ideas for Dad??