In January I made this fun Memory Jar and we’ve been working all year to remember the fun times by writing our memories down and placing them in the jar!
I love the having the memory jar around because it reminds me to be positive and enjoy all the time I have with my family. As a new year approaches, there is so much excitement. New goals and resolutions. A blank slate to start all over, right? Slowly as the winter months stretch on, you can forget about all those hopes for the new year as life starts to catch up with you again.
I’ve found that the memory jar serves as a reminder of those hopes. And I still get so excited as I think about filling our memory jar!
This year we had an amazing New Years Eve as we started our Star Wars marathon with our best friends. We watched all 6 in 24 hours. We had a full snack table going pretty much the whole time and so many fun games for mini intermissions–there were 6 kids to entertain! It was quite the event and made for a perfect first memory for our year New Year. It is definitely a memory I will never forget!
These are the kinds of memories that I want to remember forever, which is why I put together a simple and colorful memory jar for the new year.
I’ve wanted to create a memory jar for about 3 years now, so it’s about time I finally get around to doing it! A memory jar doesn’t have to be fancy, but I did want it to be cute so that I could keep it out in the living room where people will see it and be reminded to record some of their favorite memories.
The goal is to write down some of our memories each week during our family meeting, that way we actually remember them!
Here is what you need to make your own memory jar!
Washi Tape, Twine, Stickers, etc. (whatever you want to use to decorate!)
Paper strips
Print out the printable to place on your jar.
Decorate the jar.
Prepare the strips for writing on so that it’s easy to grab and record a memory without having to go find some paper!
Now set your jar out and start recording! The truth is that the best thing about memories is making them! So go and make some memories!!
I love how easy it is for the kids to roll up their memories and put a little tape on to hold them tight! Now they can participate in this fun activity too!
Memory Jar Printables
This post was originally written by me and published on Andrea’s Notebook!
Here are some more fun family activities to make some memories.