Oh my goodness! I’m so excited about this Lego Themed Gift Basket idea… Have you seen the video going around about how to make Candy Legos?? My husband saw it and flipped! He thought it was the coolest thing. So I decided to put together this candy Lego making kit!
Both my kids and my husband love Legos. We introduced our kids to Legos when they were little, it’s one of our favorite things to play with.
Scott also has some of his tiny Legos from when he was a kid. We sometimes use quality time playing with daddy and the Legos as a reward. They beg to play with the Legos and Scott loves playing with them. For Father’s Day we decided to make Scott a candy Lego making kit. We thought it would be such a fun activity that we could all do together.
We grabbed a few silicone Lego molds and some fun colors and flavors of jello. The kids were so excited to wrap the jello they chose and add it to the basket. I love getting them involved in putting together things for Scott! It’s so cute to see how excited they get!
We built our basket out of tiny Legos… And last but not least we attached a little note.
For a fun presentation the kids helped me form the words I love you with Legos so Scott would see it when he came in. It was so fun putting this together with the kids and I’m sure Scott will love it!
If you have any Lego lovers in your family this would be a great family activity! I’m including the printables for you to use! They are generic enough you can give this Lego Themed Gift Basket to anyone who enjoys building!
Lego Printable Cards
If you are looking for more fun ideas for that special man in your life then you definitely need to check out this Gift’s For Your Guy pack with 3 fun gift ideas!
I totally love this pack and know that my husband will too when he wakes up to one (or ALL) of these fun surprises. I don’t know if I’ll be able to choose just one!