Is this not the coolest thing ever? I want to make some jelly bean jewelry for myself. It’s pretty amazing. If you have leftover jelly beans from Easter you have got to give this a try!
After we finished crafting with the jelly beans Lanae asked if she could try a jelly bean. I was shocked, she had been touching, sorting and playing with the jelly beans for over an hour and hadn’t even tried one yet. Now that is self control!
Crafting with candy is so fun! The second the kids see the candy they get so excited… We decided to make some fun jelly bean jewelry.
Jelly beans come in all different colors so this was a great opportunity to talk about patterns. We did a little jelly bean sorting first. I may have pitted the kids against each other to see who could sort the quickest.
Lanae won… because every time Owen got close to finishing he dumped the all back into the same jar and started over… Ha ha! Don’t ask me why!
Then I taught the kids all about patterns. They worked on making a couple different patterns and then chose their favorite for their necklace.
Here’s what you need to for this simple, edible jewelry!
Monofilament Illusion Cord
Jelly Beans
Step 1. Thread the cord through the needle and then thread the jelly beans onto the cord.
Step 2. Once you have all the jelly beans threaded, tie it off!
Sounds pretty easy, right!?
I had the kids hand me the jelly beans while I threaded them onto the clear wire cord.
Since this project does require a needle, the adult will need to be in charge of that part. I used a paper towel to hold the needle as I pushed the jelly bean through! It made it a little easier to thread the jelly beans.
The needle did get a little sticky, so I had to wipe it off a couple of times between jelly beans.
Lanae wanted to make a little bracelet to go with it! It is seriously adorable. And she was just the most adorable little model. Man I love this girl!
We’ll probably be making a few more bracelets and necklaces soon.
This post was originally written by me and published on C.R.A.F.T.
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