We have been doing a lot of fun projects lately, including this fun heart puzzle. My kids were so excited about painting, they literally giggled with joy when we pulled out the paint stuff.
The kids have been begging to paint, so I finally gave in! It was a bit of a project, but I got totally sucked in to it. We ended up making quite a few more puzzles than I was originally planning.
We taped 12 popsicle sticks down and then painted them.
After that, the kids chose different heart shapes and sizes and we set to painting the designs on the popsicle sticks.
It was such a fun project. The kids had a lot of fun putting the puzzles together after. It is a whole lot harder than it looks.
The kids helped me design a couple and we put them together for their friends for Valentine’s Day.
I created a fun little printable to go with it… You’ve stolen a piece of our heart! Pretty darn adorable, if you ask me! We loved sharing this with our friends this year.
Heart Puzzle Printables
If you are looking for some more heart day ideas, you should definitely check out these: