Hi there, I’m Britt! I blog over at My Little Sunshines, and I met the lovely Carisa a few years ago when we both worked at BYU Independent Study. When she first contacted me about writing a post for her Fit Mama series, I was unsure if I should do it! I’m no fitness expert by any means… But then I realized, maybe there are more people out there like me, who would like to hear from me! So, I said yes. 2 months later… Here we are! I wrote a fitness post on my own blog about a month ago. So feel free to read that — but I’ll share part of it here as well.
Growing up, I wasn’t athletic. I dabbled in the occasional field day, easy hikes, and city teams and classes, but never found a love for it. In junior high, I took a few dance classes and really found a love for that. I took dance through junior high and high school, and was even on dance company and drill team. I loved it. I worked hard and I worked out hard, and it became my passion. However, just because I was active doesn’t mean I was eating well at all. I didn’t pay any attention to what was going into my body. But luckily, because of how active I was, I stayed thin and at a consistent weight throughout high school.
When I got to college I continued taking dance classes, but I still wasn’t watching what I ate. I got married a few months before turning 21, and around that same time I stopped taking dance classes so I could focus on my major. I gained a bit of weight, and then we moved so my husband could go to graduate school. I started working a very busy job, and my husband was busy with work and school, and we just didn’t eat very well. And the pounds kept packing on! I would occasionally try to work out, but never stuck to a schedule. I did, however, run a 5K in September of 2012, and I loved it! But sadly… That was the last of my foray into running. (For now.)
In August 2013, we had just moved to a new city, and I was determined to get back in shape. However… Things didn’t go as planned, and within a couple of weeks I found out that I was pregnant! I ate fairly well (but didn’t do a lick of exercising) and only gained about 25 pounds throughout my pregnancy. I lost most of that by the time I was 6 weeks post-partum. And now? I’m 7 months postpartum, and have really started to work to tone up and lose some weight in the last month, as well as eat more healthily! (What can I say… I love me some carbs!)
So, with all that said, let me share with you a few tips that help make me want to work out.
Tip #1. Put your workout clothes on… For me, that is seriously more than half the battle. I am much, much more inclined to work out if I am already dressed for it.
Tip #2. Find what makes you tick… For some it’s Zumba, for others it’s running, etc., etc. It doesn’t matter what form of exercise you are doing — just do it! And if it’s something you enjoy, you will be more likely to stick to it. Right now what works for me is at-home fitness DVDs. I can pop them in while my babe is sleeping and get right to it! I would love to get back into running though. Maybe in the spring….
Tip #3. Get more water by investing in a cute water bottle… I know this sounds so silly, but it works for me! I love water, but still don’t drink enough. But I’ve found that if I have a cute water bottle that I enjoy using, I drink more, faster. And more water, as we all know, is always good.
Tip #4. Reward yourself… For some, seeing inches and pounds lost is reward enough! But let’s be honest… Sometimes we get stuck in plateaus of losing, and then it’s hard to keep going. So find what works for you — a dollar in a jar each time you exercise, a new workout outfit after consistently working out for a month, buying a new pair of jeans after you’ve gone down a pant size, etc! It will motivate you and keep you going when all you want to do is quit.
And so far, I’ve definitely found some benefits! Such as:
- Feeling better about myself in all aspects. I know that I am doing all I can to be healthy and that feels great! I feel productive, and like I have gained more self-control.
- Having more energy! I know that is such a cliche thing to say, but I have really found that it is true! I feel much better and like I can accomplish whatever I set out to do if I’ve worked out that day.
Right now, I can’t tell you an amazing weight loss story, or show you any great pictures of my progress, because there hasn’t been too much of a noticeable difference. It’s still hard most days to make myself work out. But you know what? Because I feel great about the fact that I am working out, I feel better about how I look! One step at a time 🙂
And one last thing, remember, you’re not working out just for you. You’re investing time in your future with your family. By working out and eating healthily, you are doing all you can to have more energy to spend with your husband and kids, set a good example, live longer, and be happier! And isn’t that something we all want?
Thanks for sharing your story and tips that help you want to be more fit, Britt!
If you missed any of the Fit Mama stories, be sure to check them out!
Here are some of my favorites:
The Fit Mama Series will be expanding soon with some more tips for how to exercise with kids and how to exercise at home, etc. I would love to know what kinds of questions and struggles you have with exercising and staying fit…
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