We love kid’s museums! They are so much fun… In January, we decided that we really wanted to visit the Discovery Place Kid’s Museum.
We decided to use our trip to the museum as a motivator for Lanae. We took her onto the Discovery Place Kid’s site and showed her all the fun things that you can do at the museum.
Then we set it as her goal for her next Gem Party!! This is a positive reinforcement system that we use in our home.
She was so excited!! All month she talked about going to the museum. I was really worried that the museum wouldn’t be cool enough for her and we would have talked it up for nothing! I had no need to worry!
The Discovery Place Kid’s Museum was so fun!! We spent almost the whole day there. I’m so excited to share with you some of our experience!
Owen’s favorite part was the Fire Station. He has an attachment to cars and trains and basically anything with wheels, so he loved being able to climb up and pull levers, push buttons and turn the steering wheel!
Lanae’s favorite part was the Town Market. Actually Owen loved the market too. We probably went back to the market at least 4 times throughout the day. I guess kids just love being able to do grown up stuff! I love how they would go through the market and pick up their groceries and then they could check them out and everything…
But I thought it was so neat that they were able to help clean up all the groceries so that others could have a chance to play too! By the 4th trip to the market, my kids were just as good about emptying the cart as they were at filling it!
I love that more places are motivating kids to be active. The museum had a jungle gym and a fitness center with balance beams and a climbing wall. There was also a video going that showed a bunch of kids doing workout programs. It was super cute.
We all loved the Jungle Gym. It was a big tower right in the middle of the museum so it caught my kid’s eye right away. And it was so fun to watch Scott play with the kids, maneuvering through the tiny tunnels! They had such a blast!
I was extremely impressed by the water table station. It was so big and there was a section for super littles to sit up and play too! This was one of the first stations we went to, so Lanae was still overwhelmed by the number of different things there were to do! She played for a minute and then tried to run off.
Owen on the other hand, was so excited about the water table and played for quite a while. He completely zoned out the rest of the world. Water does that to people…
One area that we went to a couple times and the kids were very engaged in was the building center. I love watching them feel successful when they build something.
Lanae is in the stage where she likes to do it herself. She was very excited about making a tower taller than her!
Owen, however, let me help him out! I love the unique building materials that they had and how the kids could use their creativity.
The bank… I think this is so cool that they have a bank because it’s not normally a place kids get to visit. Lanae actually always asks if we can go to the bank right before we go grocery shopping because we’ve gone a couple times and she gets a sucker. She thinks banks are where you go to get suckers…
So it was fun to be able to explain the different parts of a bank and what we actually use a bank for.
Owen is the hardest kid to take pictures of… he is constantly moving! But doesn’t he make the cutest mechanic ever??? He was absolutely in love with any kind of vehicle (tractors, trucks, boats, planes, cars, trains, etc.) and there were so many that he could test out. He was in heaven!
One area that we loved but that I couldn’t get any decent pictures of because of the lighting was the under the sea station. There was a big boat they could climb in, a submarine that they could explore and an octopus they could throw bean bags at… like a bean bag toss! And so much more. It was a fun station.
At the end of the day, we participated in a little story time and hands-on activity where the kids got to dig for and make fossils. They offer all kinds of different activities throughout the month during story time at the Town Hall!
There was literally so much for the kids to do there. There were even several centers that we didn’t spend much time in at all like the doctor’s office, farm, airport, race track, etc. In fact, if I wasn’t so pregnant and tired all the time, we probably could have spent a couple more hours there! Ha ha!
I guess that just gives us a reason to go back and spend some more time exploring and playing!
**I received 4 tickets to the Discovery Place Kids museum, however, all opinions are my own!
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