We LOVE sensory bins! This is probably my favorite sensory bin we’ve made in a very long time!
The kids still beg to play with it. I definitely think it looks really cool. I’ve just been collecting plastic dinosaurs for a while because I knew we wanted to have a month all about dinosaurs. Then I grabbed a bag of 16 bean mix. I thought the mixed beans looked just like a bunch of rocks. It looked SO cool!
All the different sizes and shapes of beans were fun for the kids to sort through. This was the easiest sensory bin ever.
Just throw the beans in the bin and hand the kids some dinosaurs. A couple of scoops are a great addition for the kids to use with the beans.
Yay for easy kid’s activities! I love silly little things that make me seem like the coolest mom ever!
If you love sensory bins… we have quite a few that the kids love! This color and shape sensory bin is great for teaching the kids, we keep ours set up all the time. We also love sensory bins for the holidays, so far we have one for Christmas, Fall and Halloween! We’ll probably add to our sensory bin collection as time goes on.
Here are some of the other fun dinosaur activities that we did!