I saw some fossil cookies on pinterest and knew that I just had to do these for dinosaur month. I will have to say that this project turned out to be somewhat of a #fail.
But I fully intend to figure out how to do this for real… Ha ha! Fortunately, the kids don’t really care and they thought the fossil cookies were pretty awesome. And tasty, too!
Since we’re on a health challenge, I decided I didn’t want to tempt myself by making delicious sugar cookies, so I went the easy route and just bought some sugar cookie dough in a tube. That’s probably the big mistake that I made.
The kids rolled the cookies into balls and placed them on the cookie sheet. Then they helped flatten them a bit with the bottom of a cup. The last step was putting the dinosaur’s foot in the cookie dough to make a print. We washed the dinosaur with soap and water before completing the last step. Oh… we also greased the dinosaur so it wouldn’t stick!
While rising in the oven the footprint lost most of its shape. So I pulled them all out and quickly grabbed the dinosaur to make another footprint in the same general location so the kids would be impressed. They totally were.
I was just a little bummed that it didn’t work. And the perfectionist in me intends to figure out why! Stay tuned. After I finish my health challenge, I’ll be testing this out on REAL sugar cookies!
I hope that the next couple of months will bring some new and exciting topics for the kids. I don’t know if we’ll be able to beat the fun we had during dinosaur month. Here are some of the other activities that we did!