I have the best husband in the whole world. Proof… He volunteers to take the night shift (you know, besides the actually nursing part).
Today I’m sharing a cute little poem and printable that I put together for Scott… for our night-time baby changing center. This poem is written from baby’s perspective.
I know that every marriage has to find their own balance… So not every husband can or even should take over the night shift. You have to figure out what works for your marriage and what helps your family be the most successful (during the night and day)!
There are so many reasons why Scott takes over the night-shift. Maybe someday I’ll write a post about that, but for now I’ll just say that despite the reasons, I know that it is still super hard!
I wanted to put together something nice so that Scott knows how much I appreciate him! I used some stationary from the Dating Diva’s Love Letter of the Month Kit to create this adorable framed poem.
If you want to grab the stationary and cute embellishments, you can get them here!!
I also added a little jar with some sweet treats… I share the details and the cute Sour Patch Kid’s Printable in a different post.
Dear Daddy Poem Text