It’s time to let loose and have a dance party! Need a good laugh?? Turn on some music and dance!
Life has been difficult lately. The other day I realized that I really needed to vent. So I wrote a post on Facebook. It helped a little to just have my thoughts out there. I wondered to myself why I didn’t do things like that more often… And its because I’m kind of an introvert and I’m really independent and I don’t really like doing that kind of thing. I like to keep things to myself.
But I did like being able to write out my thoughts and come to a sort of happy place after letting them go. That’s when I realized that I have a blog! Ha ha… this is my place where I get to say whatever I want. And well… I want to start saying something.
I’ve thought for a while about doing a weekly or monthly inspirational post. Maybe call it Thoughts on Motherhood. But this is about more than motherhood. This is about life.
What do you do when you are struggling? Doesn’t matter what it is… I really want to know what you do! Lately… I’ve been turning my music on and dancing! I’m not a pro or anything… I probably look like an idiot, but I don’t care!
Have a long day?? Turn on some music and dance! Feeling blue?? Turn on some music and dance! Lack of energy?? Turn on some music and dance!
Today my thoughts are simple… dancing makes you happy! It lifts you up… I’m not a dancer and yet I know this!
One of my kid’s favorite things to do with us is have a dance party! They love being picked up and twirled around. It’s really fun for everyone. One thing I’ve learned from being a parent is that sometimes it’s okay to be a kid! Ha! How about that!?
Dance parties are also a fun way to be active with the family. We like to turn up the music and get our hearts a-pumping. The other day during a post workout dance party I was thinking about how great I was feeling. It was such a little interaction, but my heart felt warm and we were all giggly and smiley. I guess the fact that I left out was that before the dance party I was feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Isn’t it crazy how something so simple could make the bleak seem so much less important!?
Not only does dancing make you feel good… this is such a great way to connect with your kids. They love to see you be silly and have fun with them. This is something Lanae likes to do for her daddy daughter dates! Actually she pretty much wants to do this all the time!
Around here, most special occasions involve a dance party. One of our favorite New Year’s Eve memories was a dance party with our friends. I love that it is something so simple but still fun and memorable. We have some really great memories of dancing in our living room!!!
I hope that their love for being silly and active is something that my kids don’t grow out of! For that matter… I hope I never grow out of it either! So I guess the tip of the day is… Go out and have a dance party! It’ll make your day!