Easter is such an important holiday to me and I’ve often wondered why it gets so little attention. I’ve also wondered many times why we focus so much on an Easter Egg hunt instead of talking about what Easter is really about.
When I was a young woman, I had some youth leaders that helped us put together a Christ Centered Easter Egg Hunt. I promised myself that when I was older and had kids, I would use that to help teach my children what Easter is really about.
I am all for having a fun Easter Egg hunt. Kids love having a fun tradition to look forward to. But I definitely want to sprinkle a little bit of truth and meaning into our fun!
One of my favorite Easters I remember was sitting on our front porch after our Easter Egg hunt and discussing what Jesus Christ did for us and why we celebrate Easter.
Another Easter, I remember my mom and dad talking about an important item that we each received in our baskets. It was a little notebook that they hoped we would use to record the thoughts that we had about our Savior. I still have that book!
I want to help my kids to create these memories and help them understand what Easter is all about and that is one reason I love this idea of having a Christ Centered Easter Egg basket.
You can do this however you want. It can be a separate hunt all together. Or you can just have special eggs that everyone works to find during the Easter Egg hunt and sets aside in a special basket. You can do it however you want.
At the end of the Easter Egg hunt, you could just pull out a basket that is already full of these unique Easter Eggs that tell the story of Christ and what Easter is all about.
There are so many options and it really is up to you!
This year, since my kids are still little and I really don’t want to lose all the special items. I will probably have that basket ready first and we’ll discuss the story before our other Easter Egg hunt. We’ll see how it goes!
I did create some fun, bright and pretty printables to help guide us through the story and make it easier to find the scriptures to talk about.
You can mark the eggs so that you tell the story in the order that you think will be best for your family. If it works well to do it chronologically, you can use the cheat sheet to help you figure out the order.
If you have young kids and just want to choose 6 or so favorites to make sure they understand the most important parts of the story!
It’s totally customizable for your family!

Love this, Carisa! I was going to put my kids’ preschool’s Resurrection Eggs, but it’s the same idea and yours are so cute that I’m not even going to bother! (Esp since I never had time to take the pictures – ha!) You’re awesome!!
Ha ha! Time is definitely not always on our side. Thanks Sarah!! I hope your family enjoys the hunt!
These are really cute! Thank you!
You’re welcome! Glad you like them!