Today I’m sharing one of my favorite ideas that we’ve done from The Dating Divas. A Chocolate Date, not just any chocolate date, but a delicious Chocolate Tasting Date Night! If you love to date your spouse and you love chocolate, this is a win-win.
My kids know that chocolate is pretty much the way to my heart. When I’m sad or stressed, Owen will come up and say “can I get you some chocolate, mom?” I would like to take credit and say that I’ve trained him well, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t get that sweetness from me!
This is actually a date night idea that I’m very fond of. The Dating Divas came up with and shared this idea a very long time ago. Scott and I first did this date LONG before I started working with The Dating Divas and we absolutely loved it. While we were enjoying the date, we planned to have another Chocolate Tasting date in the future because it was so much fun. Scott had several ideas of other kinds of chocolate he wanted to try out and compare! Okay, I did too!
Very recently I had the chance to revamp it. Which basically means we got to do the date all over again for work… Ha! I love that work consists of making memories with my spouse and family. I created all new printables, took new pictures and spruced up the post a bit!
We redid this date a couple days after Scott joined us from North Carolina so it kind of turned into a family date. We couldn’t turn the kids away and they were too excited about spending time with daddy and all the chocolate. About 5 minutes into the date, Lanae decided that it was the best date ever and she asked if we could do the date again. Soooo… apparently this is a date that you’ll want to do more than once no matter what!
Be sure to check out the post and grab the printables from The Dating Divas… they are FREE! Enjoy!