CHRIST CENTERED EASTER EGG HUNTMarch 16, 2015 by CarisaSprinkle a little bit of truth and meaning into your Easter fun by having a Christ Centered Easter Egg Hunt!
RAINBOW PANCAKESMarch 14, 2015 by CarisaRainbow pancakes are a fun way to celebrate St. Patrick’s day or brighten up a rainy day!
MOTHERS FIRSTMarch 10, 2015 by CarisaMothers First is a new community for moms to support and befriend each other! Its also a place where I hope to connect better with YOU!
FIT MAMA ERICAFebruary 19, 2015 by CarisaFit Mama Erica shares her passion for fitness and overcoming struggles to find something that motivates her to be a Fit Mama! See her story on Messes to Memories
THE GEM SYSTEMFebruary 14, 2015 by CarisaThe Gem System allows you to focus on and reward positive behavior which teaches kids responsibility and good habits, it also encourages family time!