ABC SERIES: L is for LEAVESNovember 30, 2014 by CarisaAs we learned about leaves we did 3 fun projects to help us study and have fun with leaves.
ABC SERIES: K is for KISSESNovember 29, 2014 by CarisaThis is a fun subject to teach little kids about… K is for Kisses… we talked about why we give kisses and did some fun activities!
ABC SERIES: J is for JUMPINGNovember 24, 2014 by CarisaJ is for Jumping… It’s crazy how differently kids develop. Jumping was something that Lanae really struggled with, until Owen came along.
ABC SERIES: I is for IceNovember 19, 2014 by CarisaThere are not a lot of good words that start with i. We ended up with I is for Ice… which was actually a ton of fun!
ABC SERIES: H is for HAPPYNovember 15, 2014 by CarisaParenting is tough. Teaching kids how to handle their different emotions is super hard! The other day Lanae had a meltdown and I felt completely overwhelmed.