SUCCESS WALL TO SHOWCASE YOUR KIDSJuly 15, 2015 by CarisaThis success wall is such a neat way to showcase your kids and all their hard work and accomplishments.
WAYS TO PLAY IN THE SANDBOXJuly 10, 2015 by CarisaQuite honestly, we have loved our sandbox this summer! It is a great way to get outside and build imagination! 10 fun activities to play in the sandbox!
HOW TO TEACH CHILDREN TO READ AND LOVE BOOKSJune 3, 2015 by CarisaSo you want to teach your children to read and love books?? Here are 7 tips to help cultivate book loving children!
FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT HAVING A BABYMay 18, 2015 by CarisaAdjusting to life with a newborn is a little rough… but here are 5 reasons why I would do it again and again, but maybe I’ll wait a few years first.
LEGO THEMED GIFT BASKETMay 12, 2015 by CarisaGive a Lego Themed Gift Basket to one of your Lego lovers… then get the whole family together for some Lego making fun!