SUMMER BRUSCHETTAMarch 31, 2015 by CarisaA perfect summer snack that is easy to make and super good for you! This Bruschetta is unique and delicious!!
TISSUE PAPER FLOWER CRAFTMarch 20, 2015 by CarisaAn adorable flower craft that can double as fine motor practice and beautiful wall-art for the kids’ room!
IT’S THE LITTLE THINGSMarch 19, 2015 by CarisaThe little things more important than all the things on my to-do list. They bring joy and happiness as they help provide a little balance in my life!
SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLSMarch 18, 2015 by CarisaSpaghetti and Meatballs–a fancy and delicious family favorite in less than 30 minutes!!
CHRIST CENTERED EASTER EGG HUNTMarch 16, 2015 by CarisaSprinkle a little bit of truth and meaning into your Easter fun by having a Christ Centered Easter Egg Hunt!