Several weeks ago, my husband had a conference in Raleigh and the kids and I decided to tag along. We all really needed a break!
It was a last minute decision though, so I had just a couple hours to pack for two whole days and I knew that the kids were going to need a little entertainment. Luckily I have a few tricks up my sleeve for packing quickly for a trip! I’ve had plenty of experience trekking across the country with kids in tow.
Today I’m sharing one of my favorite road trip hacks of all time! I can’t handle chaos. So when you are stuck in a car and it is packed full of everything you need to survive on the road, you need to have some sort of organization or the chaos will follow!
A couple years ago my mother-in-law gave me a bunch of cosmetic travel bags for Christmas and I have loved them. They are so great for organizing things and it is my new favorite way to pack for a Road Trip.
I load each individual bag with some form of entertainment that is excellent in the car! For example, cars. Cars will entertain Owen for hours! Of course, we always take crayons, too. Puzzles and other little toys are great on the road as well. You can really fill it with whatever you think will keep the kids entertained!
Here are some more fun activities that might be fun on the road!