For our special K is for Kisses week the timing was perfect! We were making Thank You cards to send to family anyway… So I thought it would be absolutely adorable for Lanae to literally send some kisses.
What Grandma doesn’t love kisses from the grandchildren??
During our powerpoint we talked about what kisses mean and why we give them. We also talked about how its not appropriate to kiss everyone and the proper way to respond when someone (aka: your brother) gives you a kiss.
AND Lanae was super stoked! Like I’ve never seen her this excited for a craft in my life. She loves and adores chapstick/lipstick. She’s always asking to borrow my lipstick.
Always. Ha ha!
So we gathered our supplies (and the excitement just kept building…)
And we got to work. I gave Lanae a list. Each card needed a sticker, a stamp and a kiss and we had to think of something to say thank you for!
She made the cards all by herself placing those 3 things on each card and then I would write what she wanted me to write around the sticker, stamp and kiss!
This gave her a huge sense of ownership.
Then for her friends, I thought it would be best if she didn’t send them “real kisses,” so we talked about candy kisses and how they are another way to show someone we care.
Lanae got to deliver these to her friends in person, which she was thrilled about.
Finally, we made a delicious treat with the leftover kisses. Lanae and Owen are both such good helpers in the kitchen and jump at any chance to help with the baking!
Baking is such a fun way to spend time with the kids and provides so many learning experiences.
Plus, some wonderful treats to enjoy together.
Here are a few of our favorite sweet treats to make. We used this Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe to make our little Peanut Butter Blossoms seen in this post!
Peanut Butter and Nutella Cookies
And that… was our week with Kisses!
Follow along with the rest of the ABC Series and see what else we’ve been learning about!