J is for Jumping… It’s crazy how differently kids develop. Jumping was something that Lanae really struggled with, until Owen came along.
Now they are both jumping maniacs! Owen loves to prove that he can jump off of anything and everything.
During our J is for jumping week, we focused on jumping with direction… and seeing how far we could jump.
We made this super fun and easy jumping game with colors and shapes!
See what I did there?? Now not only did Lanae have to think about jumping forward, she had to figure out which direction to jump. Gross Motor Skills!!
It really required her to focus! I would tell her to jump on the Yellow Circle. She would have to find the yellow shapes closest to her and then figure out which one was the circle.
Then we switched places and she would tell me which color and shape to jump on. It was really fun.
Later in the week we made these cute little monkey puppets and read the story 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. Then we used our puppets to sing and act it out!
And that wrapped up our week of J is for Jumping! Check out some more fun with the ABC Series.