The kids love these little DIY I Spy Jars! They are perfect for little hands and on the go! This project was perfect for this busy week… I just directed from the sidelines and watched the kids discover. So cool. I love my roll as a mom!
You can fill them with anything and they are very entertaining for kids in the car or on a plane!
The kids did almost everything to make these on their own. I just gave them a little guidance. First off I sent them to find small objects or toys around the house. They would bring something to me and I would say yes or no! Once they found something they would put it in their little pile.
After the kids had their piles ready to go I grabbed a couple of cleaned out peanut butter jars. Then they took turns making their I Spy jars by adding a little rice and all their fun objects.
I took the opportunity to quiz Owen and Lanae as they filled their jar with items! It’s fun to test how much they know! We talked about colors, numbers, shapes, patterns, the sounds they hear in different words, etc.
After adding all the materials the kids added a little more rice!
Then I screwed the lids on tight. I probably should glue them. One day I might regret it if I don’t. But so far they have been very obedient and haven’t opened the jars… So I will probably just put it off and cross my fingers!
The kids had fun taking them outside and shaking them. They have also enjoyed them on a few car rides!
It’s fun to play side by side and have a little race to see who can find and object the fastest! They have all the same objects, just different colors so we know who’s jar is who’s.
Here are some more fun projects for kids!