We started with a Mommy and Me club a couple weeks ago and its been so fun for Lanae! Each week we choose a book and then have an activity, craft, and snack that all have to do with the book. All the mommies take turns planning a different part of the day. It works out great. Our first Mommy and Me club was all about apples and I was in charge of the crafts. We decided to make a tissue paper apple craft.
The night before we went to book club I decided I should probably test out the craft and make sure it worked. I sketched an apple on some cardstock and cut it out… I gathered up all the supplies and then grabbed Lanae to see if it was a craft that a barely 3 year old could handle.
Let me tell you… This craft is super simple. Lanae could more than handle it. All you do is pick up the square tissue paper and crinkle it a bit. Then you put a little dab of glue on the apple and press the crinkle tissue paper firmly for a second or two.
Lanae definitely liked the crinkling part. Sometimes she crinkled them for quite a while so that they were little tiny tight wads of tissue paper. It was super fun to watch her crinkle and stick the tissue paper on the apple.
Well, I guess its been a while since Lanae and I sat down for a craft. Life’s been a little crazy lately. But anyway. We sat down and we got started. We were only supposed to do a little bit so that we would have an example for the next morning to show all the other little girls.
BUT we just couldn’t stop. We just sat there and kept going and going and going until we finished our red delicious apple.
So the next morning for book club, Lanae worked on a new green apple! All the apples turned out fantastic. This was a fantastic craft and they even look cute on the fridge. I love projects that look good on the fridge!!
Some more crafts your kids will love!
Be sure to check out more from the ABC Series