My kids: Mom, I’m hungry! Me {in an exasperated tone}: But you just ate…
My kids seem to always be hungry these days! So I’m constantly on the lookout for easy, healthy and fun snack ideas.
However, sometimes when I’m in the moment, I can’t think of anything. I know I’ve had good ideas or made yummy snacks before. But when I’m running around like a mad crazy person trying to get everything on my to-do list done… like putting groceries away or cleaning the toilet or rocking the baby to sleep because he’s screaming.
Actually that last one isn’t on my to do list. But I do spend quite a bit of time on that sweet, precious boy.
But because my brain can be so fuzzy, I made this snack ideas list for an easy reference.
And I am sharing it with you, too! Because I’m assuming your brain can be fuzzy sometimes too! 🙂
Snack Ideas for Kids
Here are some of my favorites from the list:
And of course we love muffins around here… Check out my recipe index to see all the delicious muffin recipes!

This is awesome! And exactly what I needed!
Yay! Hope it decreases the snack stress!