You may have seen that one of our big projects right now is starting our first garden! So far, it has been such a fun process.
And… it’s a miracle that our plants are growing. Not just growing, but they are doing fairly well! We have only had a small few not sprout. Every morning we come downstairs and Lanae exclaims “look!!” She is constantly pointing out new plants, or that they are getting bigger, or that a new leaf has grown on one of the plants!
I knew I wanted Lanae and Owen to be able to help with watering the plants, but it’s really hard to control the water flow with cups. We needed something better, but I didn’t really want to go find a watering can that was the right size for my kids.
Especially when we could easily throw something together that was functional and that we could personalize!
I love how bright, colorful and fun these DIY Watering Cans are to use!
This craft is so easy, I’m sharing it today as a part of the Craft Lightning Recycled Series. The process was easy enough!
Here’s what you need…
1. Empty juice or milk jugs all cleaned out with paper removed… I like the ones that have the little indent that makes it easier to hold for little hands!
2. Drill/Drill bit or something sharp
3. Acrylic paints and sponges
The first step was drilling holes in the lid. This was super simple, we just set the lid onto a wood block so that when it poked through it wouldn’t cause any damage. Then drill the holes where you would like them.
The next step is painting! Get your kids all set up with a painting shirt! I did one child at a time, much easier than trying to manage helping 2 kids with paints at the same time. Lanae read a book and watched Owen while he painted and then Owen “washed his hands” in the sink while I helped Lanae.
We wanted to paint ours so that they had big, bright, colorful and textured paint spots all over!
We chose to just do three colors. All we did was dip our small sponges into the paint and press them onto the jug for a second or two. Then we pulled the sponge straight off so that it would leave a little texture.
After demonstrating, Owen was able to dip his sponge in the paint by himself, but I had to help him press it hard enough to get it to show the texture. His watering can turned out great… although it is a bit messier than Lanae’s.
Lanae was able to do so much more on her own, especially since she watched Owen do his first. I only helped her occasionally and helped her find spots that needed a bit more paint.
After painting, we cleaned up and left our watering cans to dry!
The kids love using them. I love how we can fill it up about halfway and Lanae can hold it, tip it and control the water flow all by herself. There is no spilling out over the top or dripping water all the way across the kitchen like there might be with a normal watering can. So I’m pretty happy about that.
Check out some more Spring Crafts that your kids will love from this Recycled Craft Lightning Series!
Oh and did you see our other fun Spring Craft that we did with Tissue Paper?? Check out the finished Spring Flower Craft plus a FREE Printable!!
Also don’t forget to subscribe to our Kids Series newsletter for new ideas for the little ones.

This is a great idea! Thanks for joining in!
Thanks for having me! We love it! 🙂
Carisa, I love this idea! We used a milk jug last year and it worked pretty well, but Little J was too small to be able to help at all. After we move next week I definitely want to get some plants going, and this would be the perfect way to get him to help me take care of it! Thanks so much!!
Thanks Chelsea. It was super easy. I love that it indents so that it is easier for the kids to grip then a huge jug! Hope your move goes well!
G’day What a great idea Thanks for sharing!
Thank you!!
This is such a fun way to recycle! Thanks for sharing on the Spring Craft Blog Hop.
Of course! Thank you!
How genius, that is awesome and such a great idea. I”m going to make one of those DIY watering cans for myself. My hands don’t work too well anymore and I end up putting too much water in plants.
How wonderful your kids (so adorable) are learning many things that will carry them thru their lives. When they get to Kindergarten they’ll know how to do helpful things their teachers will be glad of. Makes such a difference for them.
My oldest boy started school when he was only 4 1/2 due to his b/d being right before Christmas. He did ok but I was told he was a bit immature. Now the starting age has been changed for good reason.
IT’s so wonderful what you’re doing with your little ones, makes a difference for them.
Our youngest got taught many things before she started kindergarten as she had 3 older siblings, 6 yrs., 7 1/2yrs., and 10 yrs, older than her. I felt kinda left out sometimes, she was never just hubs/my baby, the bigger kids pretty much took her over when she was old enuf to start doing things. They loved playing school with her, toting her around in their wagon, she wasn’t left out of their playing. And when she got older her big brothers watched out for her, bought her her first car.
Your little ones are so precious, enjoy and savor that time in all your lives. Mine are all grown up and all but one is married with kids. Oldest one never married or had kids, she’s 54.
Have wonderful weekend and enjoy your life
Thank you!! We have loved using it. It makes watering plants SOO much easier and more fun for the kids too! You are too sweet!! 🙂 I am trying to do my best to enjoy my time with my kids because they are already growing up way too fast! Thanks again for your kind words!
I love ideas that include recycled materials! It is a lot of fun to think of various ways to combine them. But most of all, I’m glad I can spend more time with my family while working that out!
Me too! Family time is the best! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!