Who knows what all the hype is with mustaches these days?? I have got a super silly project today… Silly mustache straws!
It’s time to goof off a little. These mustache straws are easy to make and perfect for a party for little men! Owen’s turning 3 soon and we will be celebrating in style. He had so much fun playing with these mustache straws.
Whenever I just sit and listen to their pretend play I can’t help but giggle. They pick up on so many little things, but then they have these crazy misconceptions too. You never know what will come out of their mouth.
Scott has never really had a mustache, but my dad has. Lanae kept talking about how Owen looked like Opa when he had his mustache straw!
Owen just thought the whole thing was funny! So if you are looking for something simple and downright hilarious… here ya go! Print out some mustaches and attach them to straws. Ha! Who knew!?
What’s even more important than the straw?? What’s inside the cup that the straw is standing in!! Here are some of our favorite things to sip through a straw…
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothie