I like things that make life easier! And cheaper!! Who doesn’t? Ha ha! I have found this snack bin method makes life so much easier, especially in the summer when we are always on the go!
We love the big snack bins at Sam’s club and started saving them after the kids finished off their snacks. They are amazing for keeping snacks fresh. I grabbed an old animal cracker bin and started filling it with prepped and ready to go snacks.
I like to keep it stocked with a variety of snacks so that in any situation I have options! I always price things out and if it’s cheaper to buy in bulk – like pretzels and animal crackers – I will just separate them into baggies myself.
Other things like trail mix and granola bars I will just buy separately packaged because that is cheaper and way less time consuming!
Then we are in a rush to get out the door to head to the grocery store or park or wherever, I can just tell the kids to choose a snack from the on-the-go bin! They love being able to choose one on their own!
When we want to head out on a last minute day trip or even a longer vacation I can just make sure the bin is stocked and take the whole thing! That way we have all the snacks we could ever want with us! Pretty neat, right?
Here is another great snack idea to send dad off to work!