We had an incredible month studying dinosaurs! The kids learned SO much and now have a huge love for dinosaurs. I love hearing them talk about all the new things they learned about dinosaurs.
There were so many fun activities and dinosaur month was so easy to plan! We spent a little time reading dinosaur books and watched all the dinosaur storybots shorts (the kids love them and they are very educational).
The last activity we did was one of the best. We took the kids outside with a bunch of dinosaurs and had a dinosaur hunt. I actually decided to make this a special event so we took the kids to Scott’s campus and invited him to take a short break from work to come participate!
He loves playing and being a part of the kid’s lessons and the kids always have a blast when he is able to take the time to play!
So we showed up with a bunch of dinosaurs and I let the kids play for a while so they would get the playing out of their system. Ha ha! Then Scott and I took the dinosaurs and hid them all over the hedge.
They found them all, but it took them some time because some of the dinosaurs camouflaged really well. This is a great time to talk about camouflage with the kids. My kids think camouflage is the coolest thing ever!
Owen was really serious about finding all the dinosaurs. I love watching them play and have fun… all my kids seem to have this super serious face even when they are having fun!
Even Jem got in on the dinosaur hunt! It was fun seeing him trying to grab the dinosaurs without touching the grass!
After the first round, we let the kids have a chance to hide the dinosaurs so that Scott could find them. They were thrilled about that! Ha ha! It’s crazy how the kids get so excited about something so simple. I’ve learned that lesson a lot lately.
After the hunt, Lanae decided to build the dinosaurs a tree so that she could feed the dinosaurs!
Ha! I love it! I hope that the next couple of months will bring some new and exciting topics for the kids. I don’t know if we’ll be able to beat the fun we had during dinosaur month. Here are some of the other activities that we did!