So I knew before we even started having kids that I wanted to make my own giant Christmas stockings.
I looked and looked all over for the perfect tutorial or pattern and couldn’t find one that I loved. So… I just made up my own and used tutorials here and there to help me figure out how to do specific parts.
This was a BIG project that I actually started and finished last year. But by the time I finished, I just wanted to get them hung up and not really think about them again. So I never shared them.
This year, however, I feel like I can share and give a little guidance for those wanting to make their own customized stockings!
I started by drawing the outline of a stocking about the size that I wanted it. I made two copies of my outline. Then I cut ONE of the copies into strips the size that I wanted. Those pieces became my pattern. I made sure to label the pattern pieces and then figured out what fabric I wanted for each stocking and cut out all the pieces. I did one stocking at a time and lined them up next to each other to make sure that they were all a little bit different.
I wanted to make a bright solid cuff to accent all the pretty Christmas patterns. Figuring the cuff out was probably the hardest part, but I just looked at a bunch of tutorials and then did a trial and error method until I got it right. You should definitely try on a practice stocking first if you are worried about doing it wrong.
For our stockings, I also decided to line the inside so that it would look pretty inside and out! I feel like this will protect the stockings and make them last longer. Plus, it gives them a nice clean look!
I love the look of big fluffy stockings… I just stuff them with fluff and add some decorative ornaments to the top. And voila! Pretty Christmas stockings for the whole family!
Here are some more fun Christmas ideas:
Peanut Butter and White Chocolate Christmas Trees

Carisa! These are gorgeous! I did some similar to this for my sister last year. And I love that we used the same stocking fabric!!
Thank you!! It’s the cutest fabric! I’m just hoping I have enough to make another one for the next kid so I don’t have to re-do them!!!