We love Christmas crafts! We’ve already been so festive making so many fun and exciting Christmas memories.
Like Peanut Butter Christmas Trees and Graham Cracker Houses. I figured it was time to do something special just for the kids! So we went right to work on these Christmas Sensory Bins.
We have a sensory bin for almost every month now!!
I like to make a big deal out of making a sensory bin so the kids know it’s special. For this particular bin, we made a trip to the dollar store and the kids were each able to pick out a couple Christmas-y things.
I also grabbed a couple mini surprises like this fun Christmas train.
After we got home, we made some colored rice. This was my first time making it and it was so much easier than I thought it would be.
They each mixed their bag by shaking it. Lanae managed to rip a hole in hers cause she was so excited. I’m just glad I found the hole before we had rice everywhere. After making the rice, we set it out to dry and the kids took naps.
I quickly sorted all the goods into two piles so that they could fill their bins after naps without any fighting over who gets what!
The second they got up they wanted to go finish up and they couldn’t wait to get their hands in and play. There was some trading going on after the bins were built, which I was totally fine with if they were both happy and getting along.
Sensory bins are the best! I love how they keep the kids occupied and happy while I work on dinner or other crafts. The imaginative play that goes on with this Christmas sensory bin was just hilarious to witness!
And that is why I keep on making sensory bins with our kids!
This post was written by me and originally published on Bombshell Bling.
Here are some more fun Christmas activities to do with the kids this year: