This is a very popular saying and you’ve probably seen this quote all over on pinterest. There are so many different styles of Love You to the Moon printables.
I actually decided to do this quote because I wanted something to go with Lanae’s amazing moon art work. Plus it is absolutely true… I love my kids way more than to the moon and back…
I designed several different versions and then narrowed it down. I liked the simple one the most. And Lanae liked the one with the most stars. Ha ha! Figures. So that’s the one we decided to hang up! She loves it!!!
After printing it out, Lanae helped me glue a little gold glitter to the purple stars. So now it sparkles and shines just like her art! It’s the perfect addition to her Success Wall where she gets to show off some projects! I’ll have to share some updated pictures of her success wall soon!
If you love this quote you can download the printable for free. I designed one black and white version and thought it was super cute. But it just didn’t match her success wall which is more bright and colorful. So I designed a more colorful one to go with her room!
Grab your Love you to the Moon and Back Printables