I’m calling this the “I Love You” Project. It seems to fit. I originally wrote about when Scott and I first got married we would play this game.
That was almost a year ago. When I first designed the “I Love You” printables for our bedroom I thought they were pretty neat. Simple and sweet, right?
Well, I’ve come a long way since then. I absolutely love the reminder that the wall art gives me, but I have noticed a lot of things about those original printables that I didn’t really like. And I’ve developed the skills to make them better…
So… Now seems like a perfect time to re-do them, make them pop a little and give them a little color and sophistication.
This is the perfect time because for the first time in our 5 years of marriage, Scott and I are actually taking the time to create a sanctuary in our Master Bedroom. For the last 5 years, we’ve made do with what we had passed down to us or bought for extremely cheap.
We’ve been sleeping on a mattress and box spring that cost less than $300 when we first got married. Super cheap and super uncomfortable.
We have a new baby coming and that means, we would need to buy a new bed. We decided that the new bed should be for us! I know, we’re really good parents! But really, we need to be getting a good night sleep so that we can be good parents, right!?
For our Anniversary/Valentine’s gift to each other we are DIY-ing our Master bedroom! It’s a pretty big project and we are on an extremely tight budget, still being in school and all. However, we are both working our little tails off and think its time we had somewhere to go relax together at night after a hard days’ work!
I’ll be sharing a bit of the process as we go!
But for today, I’m just re-sharing these adorable printables.
Download the “I LOVE YOU” Project Printables
They go with our color scheme in our bedroom. However, if you absolutely love them, I can customize the colors for you for $5. Just shoot me an email!!

These are really cute Carisa! Can’t wait to see the whole makeover!
Thanks Abby! It’s gonna be a pretty simple makeover… But it will be a lot nicer than having our bed sitting on the floor! 🙂