My kids love most fruits and more veggies than I ever liked growing up… I don’t know if we just got lucky as parents or if we have just exposed to them to fruits and veggies so much that they’ve learned to love ’em.
Either way, I’m not complaining. Now, don’t get me wrong. I have had challenges with getting my kids to eat certain things. In Lanae’s case, she’s gone through periods where it was hard to get her to eat anything. So it has not always been easy.
However, I know I’m lucky that I can throw a plate of carrot sticks and pepper slices on the table with a little dip for snack and both Lanae (3) and Owen (2) will eat there fair share. And if I want some, I better take some off the plate before handing it over.
The other day I was asking the kids what they wanted for snack and Lanae said she wanted an apple.
I pulled an apple out and asked her how she wanted it… I always cut it different to keep things exciting! She wanted apple chips with peanut butter!
So I sliced a bunch of apple chips and then put some peanut butter on one and handed it to her. She looked at me and said can I make a sandwich? I was confused because I thought she wanted an apple.
She grabbed another slice and put it on top of her other apple slice with the peanut butter in the middle to make an apple sandwich! That got my wheels turning a little… So we experimented with different types of apple sandwiches.
Now we have a new favorite way to have apples as a snack!
- 1 apple, sliced
- 2 Tbsp peanut butter
- ¼ cup raisins
- 1 slice of cheese
- After slicing apple to make 6-8 chips, lay half of them flat and spread the peanut butter on one side.
- Place raisins on one and cheese slice on another.
- Top with another apple chip.
- Now you have 3 different kinds of apple sandwiches that you can enjoy!

What’s your favorite healthy snack??
Chicken Taquitos with Avocado Dip