I’m beyond excited for Christmas this year!! I think I might have told you before, but this is our first year at home as a little family… So exciting.
This is the first year that we actually put up a Christmas tree and spent time decorating our home, too. I absolutely love the feel of Christmas this year. And I love my family!
That’s why I’m so excited to plan some activities and spend a ton of quality time with my family!! I wanted to come up with a cute way to put my Christmas countdown together and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed… The AMAZING gals at The Dating Divas to the rescue!
I am SOLD on their DIY Family Christmas Countdown Printables! I love how everything is all planned and ready-to-go. It’s a real time-saver, and that’s a must-have these days!
I mean…come on! Look how cute this is!
They have put together 25 days of family activities to help your family bond over holiday fun, along with co-ordinated printables!
For this DIY Holiday countdown, the Divas have included templates for you to print on paper bags – any lunch paper bag will work!
After printing your bags, all you need to do is fill them with a corresponding activity card. Feel free to also include your kiddo’s favorite little treat for an added surprise!
Just a FEW of the Super Fun Activities Included:
Minivan Express Instructions & Tickets
Santa Letter Templates
Random Acts of Kindness Notes
Snowball Fight (awards included!)
Hot Cocoa Party Printables
Reindeer Food Instructions
Holiday Conversation Starters
Kid Christmas Card Kit
Sledding Scrapbook Page
I seriously LOVE this idea and the tools the Dating Divas have provided to make it such a breeze to prepare! I can’t wait to get started with this year’s Family Christmas Countdown!!
Get the entire FAMILY CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN printable pack for $5.97.
Worth every penny!! I’m so excited!
The Dating Divas also prepped a special Christmas Countdown for your Spouse with all kinds of cute things that you can do for your spouse!! If you don’t have kids yet (or you just want to do something special for your spouse this Christmas), you will totally want to check that out!
Get the entire SPOUSE CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN printable pack for $5.97.
Or you could even do both!! Yikes!! The Dating Divas have a special deal where you can get BOTH printable packs for just $8.97. How sweet is that??
Get BOTH the SPOUSE and the FAMILY CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN printable pack for $8.97.
**This post does contain affiliate links! If you purchase the Dating Divas printable pack through my site you will pay the same price, however I will receive a small portion! Thanks for your support!

I love this! I love Christmas countdowns!