Parenting is tough. Teaching kids how to handle their different emotions is super hard! The other day Lanae had a meltdown and I felt completely overwhelmed.
As a parent, you want your children to grow up knowing how to handle the good times and the bad. That means teaching them how to cope. When Lanae had her major meltdown, I didn’t really know how to handle it. And I ended up breaking down and crying because I felt like I’d handled it all wrong!
Like I said, parenting is tough.
Shocker… right?
Kids struggle with emotions even more than we do because they don’t always understand what they are feeling or why. Whenever I have a chance to teach about emotions, I try to jump on it.
So H is for Happy!!
This is the second major time we have really focused hard on emotions. The first time, was about a year ago and we worked together as a family to make this fun Choices book with Shutterfly!
We talked about different choices and how they make us feel. Then we took pictures of all the different feelings we experienced.
Shutterfly made throwing this book together super quick and now we have this book as a resource to remind us about our different emotions.
We used this book a lot during our H is for Happy week… but we mostly did roll play and a lot of questions with happy and sad sticks!
If this happened, how would you feel? Lanae used the sticks to answer the questions.
We will always have to continue working on managing our emotions, even as adults. So it’s important that we help our kids understand and manage theirs. It definitely is hard, but talking about emotions definitely helps!
Check out some more fun from the ABC Series like G is for Grandma and Grandpa.