I’m so grateful for all the support and comments I received on my Build-A-Fort challenge. One of the goals that I have as I share some of the things we do as a family, is to encourage others and help strengthen homes and families. Quality time spent together is one of the best ways to strengthen families.
The really neat thing about this challenge is that anyone can build a fort with the ones that they love. It’s really easy. And really… what the fort looks like, doesn’t matter in the end. It’s the time spent together. I think it is so easy in today’s world to get caught up in all the things that need to be done that we forget to take time to enjoy the little things.
So my message today is to find a way to enjoy the little things and make the most of the time that you have with your loved ones.
With all that being said… I wanted to thank all those who participated in the challenge.

So fun! I am glad people got so into it and made such awesome forts!
I know, these are cute, right? Thanks!!!